Saturday, May 19, 2018

What's Your Why+The Golden Rule=A Happy Life

 Man, life is hard at times. Have you ever thought, why live it? I’ve asked myself this question many times, and I’m sure I’m not the only one. I think to myself, why do I work so hard to have a family? Why do I live gospel principles? Why does Kristi and I work full time with opposite schedules with a baby? Why did we buy a home (#30YearsInDebt)? What’s my why? What’s your why? What goals do you have? Have you found your why?
                I think we see our society turning to the way it is for multiple reasons, but I think the biggest reason is because a lot of us haven’t found our “Why” and have forgotten of the Golden Rule. We all grow up in different circumstances and different environments that shape us to who we become but I think we are forgetting that good ole’ Golden Rule in Matthew 7:12, “…do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” You don’t have to be religious to agree that we should apply this into all of our lives. This doesn’t mean you have to give into what other people believe, but to simply be nice to each other, especially yourself. 
                Ever since I married Kristi, I was introduced to the radio station, K-Love. I’ll admit, I listen to is sometimes. That might sound funny considering I often listen to rock and other genres but something that has stuck with me was when the radio host stated, “Find something to live for, something great enough to die for.” This can go for many things, living your life for your family, your Savior, the love of your life, anything really, but if we follow that Golden Rule along with it, I feel that our lives and society would be a brighter and happier place to be in.
                My “Why” is based all around by personal beliefs. I do believe in my Savior. I do believe that there is life after this life. I do believe that there aren’t just hard times in this life that we have to deal with for no reason. I do believe that we will meet the love ones that have passed on. Though others may not have the same beliefs, we can all still get along and have a good time together. I think that’s where we need to make sure we all have our “Why” in place. Why do you wake up each morning and go to work? Or perhaps, why do you sleep in the morning to work at night? Why do you decide to do the things you do? Who is it for? What is it for?
                Life is short. I don’t know about you, but I think we need to get outside more often, befriend others, and get some fresh air and enjoy the life around us. Go outside with family or friends and have a BBQ. Look up to the sky at night and marvel in the beauty. Look at the scenery that is all around us. It doesn’t matter who you are or what you stand for, demarcate or republican, pro gun control or not, pro life or choice, religious or atheist, pro gay marriage or traditional, we’re all human’s after all. I say we make it a point to be nice to each other, it’ll rub off to others. Life would be so much more enjoyable. I think these are some of the biggest ways we can lower the tragedies of these shootings and simply be a better place to live in. We can get caught up in the same mundane things of our daily routine where we can, in a way, get cabin fever and forget the good things in life. If that’s the case, lets change it. At the end of the day, we just need to find a way to better our lives and the lives of those around us. “Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.”

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